2018 Tournament

30th Invitational Tournament

May 5, 2018

Lourdes Academy, Oshkosh Wisconsin

The 30th ABBA Tournament will provide martial artists of all ages and skills with a safe and positive venue that emphasizes sportsmanship, fairness and the virtues of the martial arts. We will be returning to Lourdes Academy this year. We plan to have at least eight rings and a schedule of events designed to keep the tournament moving. As always, food, refreshments and merchandise will be available.

As a not-for-profit organization, American Black Belt Academy sincerely appreciates the support and participation of your school and your students. We also welcome your comments and suggestions for improvement.

Tournament Registrations Information:

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2018 PreApplication Form 2018_PreApplication-form.pdf
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Program 2018 Long Program-2018-Long.pdf
300.6 KiB 330 Downloads Details...
Program 2018 Short Program-2018-Short.pdf
302.0 KiB 271 Downloads Details...

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