We are sure you will not be surprised when we tell you we have decided to cancel/postpone the ABBA Invitational Tournament that was to be held on May 2, 2020.
This was to be our 32nd annual tournament, and as I sit here and think back over the last 31 years there are so many great memories it would take pages and pages to write them all down. The one thing that does come to mind is that fact that without your support the tournament could not and would not have happened.
Thirty-two years truly starts to become a legacy and we do not want this legacy to end. We are in contact with Lourdes School and we are trying to find an alternate date to hold the tournament. Once we have this new date we will let you know and we hope that you and your students will be able to join us and celebrate the fact that we all made it through these trying times and we came out the other end stronger Martial Artist’s and people.
Closing our doors, even temporarily, to our students was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, although it did make myself and the entire training staff look at how we interact with our students and how we could continue to teach and work with them without being in the same room. I am blessed to have a teaching staff that took up the challenge to continue to help our students. Our first thought was to do one-on-one training’s with students through Facetime and Skype. This worked well, although it was not efficient enough to allow us to get to all of the students. We are now holding individual belt classes using Zoom to help our students continue to learn and grow.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as we move through this unprecedented event and if we can help in any way please let us know. We have always been a tight knit community and now more than ever we need to stick together and help each other. Martial Arts has the ability to change the lives of those that choose to train and the lessons we teach are what is needed to move this society forward in a positive direction.
Thank you again for all of your support and I look forward to the day we have the ability to see each other again and give each other a great big hug.
Mrs. Sandra Swartwood (sswartwood@new.rr.com)
Mr. Thomas Swartwood
American Black Belt Academy