
Welcome to American Black Belt Academy

With its range of professional martial arts programs, American Black Belt Academy promotes life-skills including:

  • Goal Setting
  • Personal Motivation
  • Self Control
  • Confidence
  • and many more…

American Black Belt Academy uses a positive teaching methodology to instill positive attitudes and spirits in our students while addressing each individual’s distinct physical challenges.

Offering classes in Tae KwonDo, Hapkido,  and Ground Grappling as well as informal seminars in Self-Defense tactics.

American Black Belt Academy services the student as a whole “body, mind and spirit” regardless of age, ability or background.


Our Mission Statement

American Black Belt Academy, a not-for-profit organization, is committed to providing quality martial arts training to anyone, four years of age or older, who has the desire to learn and to live the martial arts as exemplified by Tae Kwon Do.

Through the martial arts, American Black Belt Academy teaches the need to respect others as well as oneself, self-defense, and the importance of discipline in all areas of life while providing an alternative form of exercise.


Learn More About American Black Belt Academy

To learn more about American Black Belt Academy watch the video below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us either here on our contact page or at the school.

2014 Black Belt Testing

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