
American Black Belt Academy offers a variety of Martial Arts programs for students of every age and level.

Taught by experienced Martial Arts professionals, each class provides students with the skills required to improve their abilities, and the fun, supportive environment necessary for personal growth. Regardless of the program selected, students are guaranteed of an exciting, effective workout for the body, mind and spirit.

Tae Kwon Do: A dynamic martial art, incorporating powerful hand/arm movements and explosive kicks in controlled self-defense training. Tae Kwon Do promotes discipline, physical fitness and self-confidence. 
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Golden Dragons: The Golden Dragons Program is structured on a rotational curriculum that teaches 8 very important skills. The 8 advanced skills selected for the Golden Dragons program are broken down into specific requirements that each student will tackle at every belt level. 
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Mighty Tigers: Our Mighty Tigers Program is an extension of our Golden Dragons program. As they continue on their quest for Black Belt excellence, your child is now ready to strengthen and hone the 8 skills they have learned in the Golden Dragons. 
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Hapkido: Hapkido is an effective form of self-defense and employs joint locks, pressure points, throws, kicks, and other strikes. Hapkido practitioners train to counter the techniques of other martial arts as well as common “unskilled” attacks.
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Self-Defense Workshops: Offered periodically throughout the year, self-defense workshops feature practical techniques and maneuvers to help students prevent, control and/or escape potentially dangerous situations. Students learn how to avoid abduction and rape, defend themselves against attackers (including those physically larger or stronger), and control virtually any alarming situation.
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