Golden Dragons

Programs – Golden Dragons

What makes this program unlike anything you’ve ever experienced? We’ve taken the best training and techniques from all aspects of martial arts, physical fitness, and scholastic
programs and developed them into our Golden Dragons program

The Golden Dragons Program is structured on a rotational curriculum that teaches 8 very important
skills.The 8 advanced skills selected for the Golden Dragons program are broken down into specific requirements that each student will tackle at every belt level. This means your child will be
sharper, more focused, and better developed physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially than a child who does not participate in a program strategically designed like the Golden Dragons

  • Focus/Concentration: Your child will learn how to focus all of their attention to the task at hand while committing themselves to learning and growing.
  • Perseverance/Teamwork: Your child will learn how to face challenges presented to them, knowing that the challenges will be difficult to complete. They will learn how to face challenges alone and with peers.
  • Courage/Balance: Your child will learn how to overcome fear and nervousness through training that initially seems intimidating.
  • Discipline/Intensity: Your child will learn how to perform their martial arts skills with strong effort and attitude.

  • Coordination/Speed: Your child will learn the components of speed and how to control their balance, body posture, and technique.
  • Fitness/Agility: Your child will learn the mechanics that govern movement and how it plays a role when they are jumping, dodging, and moving about quickly.

  • Control/Technique: Your child will learn the fundamental components of good technique, which will make them great athletes.

  • Memory: Your child will enhance their memory through fun and educational drills.

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