ABBA – History


Celebrating Twenty Nine years helping both Children and Adults Succeed in our Community

For over 29 years, American Black Belt Academy and their dedicated Volunteer staff have developed strong community leaders through rigorous physical, mental and spiritual guidance. With its range of professional martial arts programs, American Black Belt Academy services the student as a whole – body, mind and spirit – regardless of age, ability or background. Offering classes in Tae Kwon Do, MeHan Hapkido,  and Women’s Self-Defense as well as informal seminars in self-defense tactics, the school provides significant resources for the community of Oshkosh. “American Black Belt Academy is a family, not just a business,” notes Mrs. Swartwood, Instructor. “We care for our students, helping them develop their skills as leaders within the community and in life.”

American Black Belt Academy provides, develops and nurtures the positive attitudes and spirits of its students. From the school’s structured classes, to its assistance with standard student issues such as schoolwork and social concerns, the staff’s dedication creates empowered students, filled with confidence, respect and control. In turn, these skills help students to grow as individuals and cope with many of the difficulties associated with adolescence – such as peer pressure and Bullying.

Leadership is also shown through ABBA’s community involvement. The school is firmly committed to supporting charities, local schools, and community groups such as After School Programs and School Supply Drives.

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