Green Stripe Requirements

Minimum grade point average of B in academic work.

Recite the meanings of white through green belts.

Recite the name, meaning, and the number of moves of their current form and all forms prior to their current form and explain the application of the techniques

Explain what Tae Kwon Do is.

Three-Step-Sparring techniques:
Position – Parallel Ready Stance

1. a. Step back into right front stance, right high block.
b. Step back into left front stance, left high block.
c. Step back into left short L-stance, right inside-out crescent kick, put foot down in right walking stance, left high round- house kick to jaw, retract foot to left L-stance.
2. a. Step back into left L-stance, right double knifehand block. b. Step back into right L-stance, left double knifehand block. c. Step back into left short L-stance, right crescent kick to block keep knee up right middle side-kick, retract foot to right L-stance.
3. a. Step back into left L-stance, twin forearm block.
b. Step back into right L-stance, twin forearm block.
c. Step back into left L-stance, twin forearm block, step forward into left front stance, left inward knifehand strike to neck, reverse punch to solar plexus, return to left L-stance.
4. Create your own.

a. Two hand rear grab
b. One hand lapel grab
c. All previous techniques

The student must be able to properly execute his or her current form and various combinations, including all past forms and combinations.

The student must be able to properly perform the techniques for his or her rank, and all previous ranks.

Foot Techniques:
Back-roundhouse kick
Jumping front-snap kick (2 combination)
Double back-kick
Tornado kick
Pick down kick
Knee attack

Hand Techniques:
High block
Double knifehand block
Twin forearm block
Palm heel strike
Inward knifehand strike

Board breaking from this rank forward.

Beginning breakfalls.

Miscellaneous items.

Form: Dan-Gun (Tan-gun)
Meaning: This form is named after the mythical founder of what is now Korea. Dan-Gun’s legendary father Hwanung was said to have come from heaven, transforming himself into a man. Dan-Gun’s mother came from a bear-totem tribe. Dan-Gun founded the kingdom of Chosen (Korea) in 2333 B.C.
Moves: 21 – left foot returns

Kicking Combinations:
1. Tornado kick, hop side-kick, knee attack
2. Back roundhouse kick, side-kick (front foot), tornado kick
3. Back roundhouse kick, jumping front-snap kick (2 combination)
4. Pick-down kick, stepping side-kick, double back-kick

Hand Combinations:
1. Double knifehand block in L-stance, double knifehand block in L-stance, high block in front stance
2. Twin forearm block in L-stance, double knifehand block in L-stance, palm heel stike in front stance
3. High block in front stance, twin knifehand block in L-stance, double knifehand block in L-stance
4. Low block in front stance, side block in L-stance, twin forearm block in L-stance

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