Yellow Belt Requirements

Minimum grade point average of B in academic work.

Recite the meanings of white and yellow belts.

Recite the name, meaning, and the number of moves of their current form and explain the application of the techniques.

Recite and be able to explain the Tae Kwon Do Oath.

Recite and be able to explain the Tae Kwon Do Tenets.

Count from 1 to 10 in Korean.

Three-step-Sparring techniques:
Position – Parallel Ready Stance

All techniques are performed with the following blocks:

a. Step back with left foot into L-stance, right side block
b. Step back with right foot into L-stance, left side block
c. Step back with left foot into L-stance, right side block

1. Left back-kick, retract foot to left L-stance
2. Left high front-roundhouse kick to jaw, retract foot to left L-stance
3. Right low front-snap kick to groin, come down in right front stance, reverse middle punch, highpunch to nose, return to right L-stance
4. Create your own

a. Two hands on one hand grab (front, side and back)
b. Two hand front grab
c. All previous techniques

The student must be able to properly execute his or her form and
various combinations, including all past forms and combinations

The student must be able to properly perform the techniques for his
or her rank and previous ranks
Foot Techniques:
Front-roundhouse kick
Jumping front-snap kick
Side kick-hop side kick
Crescent Kick
Inside-out crescent kick
Double front-snap kick
Stepping back-kick
Stepping front-roundhouse kick

Hand Techniques:
Reverse punch
Side block
Backward stepping punch

Possible board breaking (special circumstances)

Miscellaneous items

Form: Chon-Ji
Meaning: The literal interpretations is Heaven and Earth. This form
represents the start of human existence in the world.
Moves: 19 – left foot returns

Kicking Combinations:
1. Front-roundhouse kick, side-kick, jumping front-snap kick
2. Stepping back-kick, front snap-kick, hop side-kick
3. Inside-out crescent kick, front-roundhouse kick, double front-snap kick
4. Side-kick (front foot), front-roundhouse kick, stepping front-roundhouse kick
Hand Combinations:
1. Side block in L-stance, middle punch in front stance, side block in L-stance
2. Low block in front stance, middle punch-reverse middle punch in front stance
3. Side block in L-stance, high punch in front stance, inward palm block in front stance
4. Inward palm block in front stance, backward stepping middle punch-reverse middle punch in front stance

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